Research Article
Effect of Seed Storage Duration and Methods on Growth and Yield of Basil Variety
Hailu Garkebo Mola*,
Betlhem Melese Kebele
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
8 March 2024
3 April 2024
24 May 2024
Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Wondogenet Agricultural Research Center to determine the effect of seed storage period and methods on the growth and yield of basil. Basil seeds stored in three storage methods (Plastic jar, Polypropylene, and Cotton bags) for six storage periods (initial period, one, three, six, nine, and twelve months) were used to evaluate the impact of the treatments on the yield and performance in the field. The field experiment was arranged by using RCBD design with three replications. The data were taken at the 90% physiological maturity stage. The results showed a significant difference between the treatments. The results indicated that the interaction effects of basil seed storage time and methods had a significant (P<0.05) effect on Primary Branch Number, Plant Height, Umbrella length, Dry, and Fresh biomass. The umbrella number of the storage methods had an accelerating trend with raising storage duration to 3 months storage, after that it shows a declining trend with raising storage time. The two storage methods plastic jar and bag maintained the seed in good condition for 3 months further, storage of the seed leads to the shortest plant and umbrella length. The highest dry biomass was recorded at 3 months stored seed in a plastic bag which was not significantly different from 3 months stored seed in a plastic jar. Basil dry biomass for the jar stored seed ranged from 0.85 to 3.33, 0.91 to 3.42 ton/ha for plastic bag whereas for the cotton bag, it ranged from 0.6 to 2.26 ton/ha. In general, seeds stored for three months had shown better growth and yield.
Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Wondogenet Agricultural Research Center to determine the effect of seed storage period and methods on the growth and yield of basil. Basil seeds stored in three storage methods (Plastic jar, Polypropylene, and Cotton bags) for six storage periods (initial period, one, three, six, nine, and twelve months) were used to...
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Research Article
Genetic Variability, Heritability and Expected Genetic Advance of Yield and Yield Related Traits in Desi Type Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) at Bule Hora, Southern Ethiopia
Taera Itana*
Wassu Mohammed,
Seltene Abady
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
16 April 2024
14 May 2024
3 June 2024
Abstract: Chickpea is one of most important pulse crops in Ethiopia. Despite its significance, the national average chickpea yield is low due to many constraints of which the unavailability of improved varieties for each growing and potential area. This research was conducted to evaluate genetic variability, heritability, and expected genetic advance of yield and yield related traits in chickpea genotypes. It was conducted at Bule Hora during 2022/23 cropping season that 36 Desi type of chickpea genotypes were evaluated using a 6 x 6 simple lattice design. The results of the analysis of variance showed the presence of significant variations among genotypes for nine characteristics. In this study, the phenotypic variance was higher than the genotypic variance for all the traits studied. However, the difference between phenotypic and genotypic variances was low, ranging from 0.05 to 5.46 for four traits, and the difference between phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation was <5% (1.89 to 4.32%) for six of nine traits. Furthermore, Phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficient of variations ranged from 5.32 to 41.77% and 3.43 to 37.45%, respectively. Heritability (H2) in broad sense and genetic advance as percent of mean (GAM) ranged from 23.91 to 80.40 and 5.89 to 69.18%, respectively. The estimates of GCV and PCV, H2 and GAM were high for number of pods per plant, seeds per plant in gram, and grain yield.
Abstract: Chickpea is one of most important pulse crops in Ethiopia. Despite its significance, the national average chickpea yield is low due to many constraints of which the unavailability of improved varieties for each growing and potential area. This research was conducted to evaluate genetic variability, heritability, and expected genetic advance of yiel...
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Research Article
Investigation of BRAF V600E Mutation in Breast Cancer Patients
Wafaa Sabri Mahood*
Athraa Hammed Hassoon,
Shaimaa Sabah Al Obaidy,
Lenha Qutaiba Ahmed,
Ibtisam Hammood AL Musawi
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
20 January 2024
18 February 2024
19 June 2024
Abstract: The B-Raf is the essential protein in signal pathways inside cells which is affected by cell growth direction. The B-Raf protein encoded by the BRAF gene that is located at chromosome 7, BRAF gene is also pointed out as proto-oncogene. This study aimed to detect the substitution at codon 600 causing a change of valine to glutamic acid (V600E) mutation in Iraqi females to assist its role in initiating breast cancer. Sixty biopsies tissue from breast cancer Iraqi women and 20 women with benign lesions were enrolled in this study. DNA was extracted from breast cancer biopsies samples. PCR and DNA Sequencing techniques were used to screen the BRAF V600E gene mutation as it is an essential event in the initiation of cancer. The results revealed that none Iraqi breast cancer women had BRAF V600E mutation, The annotated BRAF gene has been deposited in DDBJ/GenBank under the accession number LC547435. In conclusion: The present data indicate no BRAF V600E mutation in Iraqi breast cancer females and may not possess a role in breast cancer initiation. The current results may be refer to ineffectiveness of Vemurafenib and Encorafenib therapies that specific for patients with the BRAF V600 mutation. Other studies with large numbers of patients are needed to confirm the result of this study, as the high prevalence of breast cancer among Iraqi women.
Abstract: The B-Raf is the essential protein in signal pathways inside cells which is affected by cell growth direction. The B-Raf protein encoded by the BRAF gene that is located at chromosome 7, BRAF gene is also pointed out as proto-oncogene. This study aimed to detect the substitution at codon 600 causing a change of valine to glutamic acid (V600E) mutat...
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